The Zook Nook

Hi! My name is Kimberly Zook. Thank you for checking out my artwork. Here at The Zook Nook you'll find watercolors, illustrations, Zentangles and more. Most of the art is centered around nature and patterns, with a flair of surrealism that engages the viewer to find each piece fresh and inviting every time you look at it.

I'm a military spouse (my husband just retired after 25 years in the Navy) and mom to three daughters and three dogs. Woof!

Over the years I have lived in many different countries and states. My favorite - Costa Rica, when I lived alone in a little hut in the rainforest with no indoor plumbing or electricity but roommates of the crawly kind like scorpions, tarantulas, snakes and more! Since then I earned an MS in Biology and an MA in Education, taught at all grade levels, written a handful of novels and painted life.

Writing and painting are like breathing air for me, so I hope you enjoy what you find here.

Cheers! Kimberly

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