Tony Washington
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New York Times best selling artist, Tony Washington has been creating award winning art for Comics, Movies, Video Games and various branding opportunities professionally for over 20 years. His big break was at the age of 18, where he was hired by Image comics ( A collective of Marvel Comics Artist) where he first learned photoshop and other forms of digital art With that experience, he then transitioned to video games with Midway Home Entertainment. Which led to the oppotunity to become a freelance artist on the film relaunch of TMNT, various video games with Sony and the highest selling tradepaper back in Wildstorms Comics history with World of Warcraft-Ashbringer. He has also provided art for Mix Master Mike of the Beastie Boys, Boxer Victor Ortiz and Lady Gaga for her Monsters Ball Tour. This year also saw the release of San Diego Comic Con Exclusive poster for The Crow.
Recently Tony has created 2D concept, environment and texture art in his first VR related project Magma Chamber VR for Copeland Entertainment . Tony has been a guest speaker at multiple schools in the San Diego Area and when he isn’t drawing, he also produces music under the name Stations Stories.

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