Tracey Hewitt

I make art and teach art journaling. I write stuff that seems to touch people (I write what I need to know, and it turns out, lots of other people need to know it too.) A poet friend of mine recently described me as an Artist- Writer-Healer-Photographer-Weaver-Of- Magic. I can't claim all those things, but I'll happily spend the rest of my days trying to make it true enough to be the job title on my business card. I live with my salt of the earth farmer on our cattle and grain property in Central Queensland, which we run with our three adult sons. My days are spent between my office, managing the administration and accounting for our family farming business, and my studio, painting and writing and creating. Oh, and the kitchen…. not because I want to, not because I love to cook; but because when you have a bunch of hungry humans around, engaging in hard physical work, they need feeding. Frequently.

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