
If you have a moment right now, I would like to tell you my story, and I assure you, it will change your understanding of what a painting is capable of.

Have you ever seen a Picture depicting your Soul, on which your Life is painted - your Dreams, your Desires, the Healing of your deepest fears? The pictures that I draw are called "Art of the Soul" and "Art of the Force", and this website is my personal magical world which one I invite you to.

My name is Varda Ma, this is my spiritual name that came to me one day in meditation, when I was just started to draw. Varda Ma is a story of a little girl, who for a long time was afraid of her gift, afraid that people would understood her wrong. She survived bulimia, suicidal tendencies, was on the verge of life and death only for one reason - she was terrified to express herself and to open up to the World.

And as you see now, I'm no longer afraid to tell you who I am, because I'm no longer afraid of myself, and I can show you what I do.

I'm not just an artist who draws beautiful pictures. I learned how to transfer sounds, images, sensations into a paper. I draw the human Soul, what is intended to it, in order to heal it and to guide it. And the first soul that I healed was mine own...

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