
I'm Victoria, and I am a getting-there writer, an I-don't-have-enough-time-to-read-everything reader, an I-don't-have-a-clue-what-I'm-doing blogger, an I-have-a-love-hate-relationship-with-math nerd, an in-my-spare-time photographer, a person living-in-and-simutaneously-in-love-with two countries and an I-will-never-see-everything-in-my-lifetime traveller.

I am a lover of all things with words, superheroes, explosions (which tend to go hand in hand), long walks on the beach, writing, music, imaginary worlds, numbers, quiet evenings (and brackets).

I blog at The Endless Oceans of my Mind and occasionally post on Facebook, when I can be bothered.

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