Wendy Mitchell

Hey there! My name is Wendy Mitchell & I am the founder of Wendy Mitchell Designs, an art & textile brand. My work typically incorporates contemporary cyanotypes, with various shades of blue and green with pops of golden yellow, and a blend of hand-painted brushwork.

You can find my work online, as well as on my Society6 shop. My inspiration comes from the nature all around me, as I love experimenting with new plants and other additives that I apply to my cyanotypes.

Best moment of my life: Meeting my soul mate 34 years after high school.

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be: Learning to just be still.

My future goals: To see more of the world. / / / Portfolio: www.wendymitchellart.com / / / Social: http://instagram.com/wendymitchellart https://www.facebook.com/wendymitchellart

Contact: wendy@wendymitchellart.com

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