Wolves of Suburbia is the alias of Steve Reynolds, a collage artist from the dark depths of Harrow, NW London, UK.
Predominantly working within analog collage, I source material from vintage magazines, charity shop books and found paper ephemera. Once salvaged, these materials are hand cut and rearranged to create distorted narratives that breathe new life in to the forgotten and the discarded. The human form is often deconstructed and juxtaposed with elements of abstraction and symbolism which coalesce in my minimalist compositions.
The ethos, attitude and drive of growing up and playing in DIY punk rock bands carries through in my creative process – music tends to always be the starting point. Recent themes of mortality, physical and mental health are also subjected to the scalpel. I also dig skulls and snakes.
Enquiries: steve@wolvesofsuburbia.com
www.wolvesofsuburbia.com | www.instagram.com/wolvesofsuburbia