Yeshaya Dank

My artwork explores everything that is beautiful in this world...People, places, emotions, experiences & opportunities.

I want beauty to be accessible to everyone, and for there to be the understanding that beauty exists everywhere, all the time, you just need to search for it & you will be dearly rewarded!

I paint the uncharted territory, the places & things that I've never seen painted like this before or from this angle.

I try to put many hidden gems into one painting, just waiting for you to discover.

Showing how everything has beauty, it's just waiting to be discovered & with a little extra effort time & effort, newfound beauty can always be found, same with my artworks; with time you will find new & beautiful details on each painting that the last time you looked were invisible!

Artists who inspire my art include:

Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh & JR

See my other creative projects at: or or search for "Yeshaya Dank" on any search engine.

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